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The practice of this commission will be focused ultimately on building a beloved community of citizens who can both embrace painful truths of the past while simultaneously seeking love and reconciliation in the present through the best practices of justice.


Witnesses will offer testimony about the history of racism in our community and the continued impact of race on our citizens.  They will present during hearings of the commission so that we can document the manifestations of racialist thought on the community as a whole and on individual members of this community. Witnesses will consist of at least three varieties: historical witnesses; impacted witnesses; and confessing witnesses.


Present a presentation of predetermined length that will establish the racial history surrounding the issue under discussion for the evening.  For example, such witnesses might provide a history of housing patterns, school performance, access to healthcare resources, discriminatory policing, etc. in the Charlotte community.  They will be subject to questioning by the panel in regards to their presentations.


Offer a 3-5 minute opening statement that succinctly states the impact of race, racism, or an instance of racial disparity on their lives or on the larger community; Answer questions from the hearing panel that might ensure that their stories are fully told; and be willing to work within the guidelines of the Commission to further efforts toward systemic change.


Be from a community system that has participated in fostering racial disparity; Be willing to confess that history/ pattern of race based oppression or fostered disparity; Offer a plan, policy, program, or resources that would help to foster systemic change.


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